What is LockAppHost.exe?

One of the Windows processes that many users seem to be searching online for is LockAppHost.exe. This process is likely to pique the interest of users, because it is not active all the time – instead, it is only present periodically. Another issue that some users appear to report is that LockAppHost.exe uses excessive CPU and RAM resources – more than apps that running in the foreground. The latter is certainly a major issue, and it should be resolved as soon as possible in order to restore your system's usual performance and stability. But what is LockAppHost.exe?

What is the LockAppHost.exe Process?

This process is responsible for displaying the overlay, which you see when you are logging into Windows. It might temporarily activate when you are switching users, or under other circumstances. In almost all cases, LockAppHost.exe is a legitimate process, and you should not attempt to stop it. It will turn off automatically when it is no longer needed.

However, it is important to mention that there is a very slim chance that some malware may adopt LockAppHost.exe's name to try and conceal its presence. If you have any reasons to suspect that LockAppHost.exe is not a valid process, then we advise you to run an up-to-date anti-malware scanner immediately.

Last but not least, if LockAppHost.exe is consuming excessive hardware resources, we advise you to restart your system and see if this fixes the issue. If the problem persists, then you should apply the latest Windows updates and patches.

January 25, 2022

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