Shows Fake Anti-Bot Captcha

During the examination of, it has come to our attention that the website's primary intent is to trick visitors into granting it permission to send notifications. To achieve this, employs a method known as clickbait, where the page presents misleading content to entice visitors into authorizing notification delivery.

Upon visiting, visitors are presented with a message telling them to click the "Allow" button as a confirmation of their human identity and to pass a CAPTCHA test. In reality, taking this action permits to send notifications. Typically, websites like showcase deceptive or untrustworthy notifications.

In most instances, websites like use notifications to entice users into engaging with potentially unsafe or misleading content. These notifications can serve as a means to disseminate questionable advertisements, employ clickbait strategies, or potentially direct users to compromised or malicious websites.

It is also common for notifications originating from websites like to promote technical support and other scams. At times, these notifications are exploited by dishonest affiliates seeking to earn commissions by endorsing legitimate software or other products. In any case, it is advisable not to grant and similar websites permission to send notifications.

Furthermore, in addition to displaying misleading content, redirects visitors to similar websites. One such site is Similar to, is designed to coax visitors into allowing notification display.

Why Do Misleading Websites Display Fake Anti-Bot Checks?

Misleading websites display fake anti-bot checks as a part of their deceptive tactics to manipulate users and achieve various objectives. Here are some reasons why these websites use fake anti-bot checks:

  • Deception: The primary goal of these websites is deception. By presenting fake anti-bot checks, they give the appearance of legitimacy and security, which can mislead users into thinking they are interacting with a trustworthy website.
  • Gain User Trust: Fake anti-bot checks are designed to gain the trust of users. When users believe they have passed a CAPTCHA or anti-bot test, they may lower their guard and become more susceptible to other misleading content or actions on the website.
  • Social Engineering: Misleading websites often employ social engineering techniques to manipulate users into taking specific actions. Fake anti-bot checks are used as part of this manipulation process to make users believe they need to "prove" their identity or humanity.
  • Collect Personal Information: Some of these fake anti-bot checks may request users to enter personal information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, under the guise of verification. This information can be harvested for spamming or other malicious purposes.
  • Malware Distribution: Fake anti-bot checks may lead to the download and installation of malicious software or browser extensions. Users may be prompted to download a supposed security tool that is, in fact, malware.
  • Monetization: Misleading websites can use fake anti-bot checks to generate revenue. For instance, users might be asked to complete a survey or engage with ads as part of the "verification" process, earning the website owners money through affiliate programs.
  • Phishing: These fake anti-bot checks can be used in phishing attempts. Users may be asked to enter login credentials, personal information, or financial details, which are then stolen and used for fraudulent activities.

To protect themselves from these deceptive tactics, users should exercise caution when encountering anti-bot checks on websites and verify the legitimacy of the website before taking any action. It's essential to have security software and browser extensions that can help identify and block misleading or malicious websites. Additionally, educating oneself about common online scams and phishing techniques is vital to staying safe online.

October 20, 2023

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