Dzen 勒索軟體基於 Phobos 代碼

Dzen 是與 Phobos 系列相關的勒索軟體,是我們在分析新惡意軟體樣本時發現的。該變種會加密檔案並更改其檔案名,同時還提供兩個名為「info.txt」和「info.hta」的勒索字條。每個加密檔案都標有受害者的 ID、電子郵件地址和「.dzen」副檔名。

例如,它將“1.jpg”更改為“[9ECFA84E-3536].[].dzen”,將“2.png”更改為“[9ECFA84E -”第3536章].[].dzen,”等等。



然而,他們規定了兩天的聯繫期限,並威脅說,如果期限過後,將與有興趣的各方分享數據。詳細聯絡資訊透過兩個電子郵件地址( 和提供,並附有在電子郵件主題中包含特定 ID 的說明。

Dzen 勒索信威脅資料洩露


Your data is encrypted and downloaded!

Unlocking your data is possible only with our software.
Important! An attempt to decrypt it yourself or decrypt it with third-party software will result in the loss of your data forever.
Contacting intermediary companies, recovery companies will create the risk of losing your data forever or being deceived by these companies.
Being deceived is your responsibility! Learn the experience on the forums.

Downloaded data of your company.

Data leakage is a serious violation of the law. Don't worry, the incident will remain a secret, the data is protected.
After the transaction is completed, all data downloaded from you will be deleted from our resources. Government agencies, competitors, contractors and local media
not aware of the incident.
Also, we guarantee that your company's personal data will not be sold on DArkWeb resources and will not be used to attack your company, employees
and counterparties in the future.
If you have not contacted within 2 days from the moment of the incident, we will consider the transaction not completed.
Your data will be sent to all interested parties. This is your responsibility.

Contact us.

Write us to the
In case of no answer in 24 hours write us to this
Write this ID in the title of your message: -
If you have not contacted within 2 days from the moment of the incident, we will consider the transaction not completed.
Your data will be sent to all interested parties. This is your responsibility.

Do not rename encrypted files
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.










啟用雙重認證 (2FA):盡可能實施雙重認證,為您的帳戶和系統新增額外的安全層。即使登入憑證遭到洩露,這也有助於防止未經授權的存取。

March 28, 2024

Cyclonis Backup Details & Terms

免费的基本 Cyclonis 备份计划为您提供 2 GB 的云存储空间和完整的功能!无需信用卡。需要更多存储空间?立即购买更大的 Cyclonis 备份计划!要详细了解我们的政策和定价,请参阅服务条款隐私政策折扣条款购买页面。如果您想卸载该应用程序,请访问卸载说明页面。

Cyclonis Password Manager Details & Terms

免费试用:30 天一次性优惠!免费试用不需要信用卡。免费试用期间的完整功能。 (免费试用后的完整功能需要订阅购买。)要了解有关我们的政策和定价的更多信息,请参阅EULA隐私政策折扣条款购买页面。如果您想卸载应用程序,请访问卸载说明页面。