

在對新文件樣本的調查過程中,我們的研究人員發現了 Crocodile Smile 勒索軟體。該惡意軟體透過加密資料然後要求付款以換取解密來發揮作用。

在我們的測試機器上執行 Crocodile Smile 樣本後,它立即啟動了加密過程。受影響檔案的檔案名稱已修改為“.CrocodileSmile”副檔名;例如,對於所有加密文件,“1.jpg”變為“1.jpg.CrocodileSmile”,“2.png”變為“2.png.CrocodileSmile”,依此類推。

加密過程完成後,Crocodile Smile 更改了桌面桌布並產生了一張標有「READ_SOLUTION.txt」的勒索字條。

勒索信的內容表明,Crocodile Smile 主要針對大型組織而非個人使用者。從勒索信中提到遵守歐洲資料保護法規的一行推斷,受害者很可能位於歐洲,這表明重點是向受害者通報違規情況並提供援助。

勒索信中傳達的訊息告知受害者,他們的文件已被加密,並且敏感資料已洩露。他們被指示支付 20.6 BTC(比特幣加密貨幣)來獲取解密金鑰並防止攻擊者洩露被盜資料。截至撰寫本文時,這筆金額約為 140 萬美元,因此很明顯,勒索軟體的目標是企業和組織,而不是家庭用戶。



If you are opportune to see this message right now, that means your data security has been compromised !!!

You have been hit hard by a sophisticated Ransomware Attack by CROCODILE SMILE, LOL. This Attack is known as OPERATION FLUSH.

All your critical and confidential files, including private documents, photos, databases, and other important informations, have been encrypted, leaked, and transferred to our servers.

In accordance with European data protection regulations, we are reaching out to inform you of this breach and to offer assistance in recovering your encrypted files.

We acknowledge the gravity of the situation and are fully dedicated to swiftly delivering a solution. Our priority is to safeguard your organization's reputation and ensure the confidentiality of your files and documents remains intact, free from any leaks or compromises.

To initiate the decryption process and retrieve your files, please follow these official steps:

1) Contact our designated communication channel via Telegram ID: CrocodileSmile

2) Make the necessary arrangements to obtain 20.6 Bitcoin, as payment for the decryption service. Please note that decryption can only be completed upon receipt of payment in Bitcoins.

3) Upon successful payment, we will provide you with the decryption key required to swiftly decrypt all affected files. We assure you that compliance with these instructions is crucial for the recovery of your data.

We urge you to act swiftly to mitigate further data loss and restore the integrity of your information assets. Should you require any clarification or assistance, do not hesitate to contact us through the designated communication channel.









April 10, 2024

Cyclonis Backup Details & Terms

免费的基本 Cyclonis 备份计划为您提供 2 GB 的云存储空间和完整的功能!无需信用卡。需要更多存储空间?立即购买更大的 Cyclonis 备份计划!要详细了解我们的政策和定价,请参阅服务条款隐私政策折扣条款购买页面。如果您想卸载该应用程序,请访问卸载说明页面。

Cyclonis Password Manager Details & Terms

免费试用:30 天一次性优惠!免费试用不需要信用卡。免费试用期间的完整功能。 (免费试用后的完整功能需要订阅购买。)要了解有关我们的政策和定价的更多信息,请参阅EULA隐私政策折扣条款购买页面。如果您想卸载应用程序,请访问卸载说明页面。